Service Manager


Search and Link Quick Action

About the Search and Link Quick Action



About the Search and Link Quick Action

The Search and Link quick action searches for and links a business object record to another record. For example, you can link an employee record to an incident record. You can only link records in a relationship with your associated business object.

Search and Link Quick Action


Parameter Description
Enter action name A unique name for the quick action.
Enter action description Optional. A description of what the quick action does.
Enter category Optional. The category. Select from the drop-down list.
Relationship The relationship between the current business object and the business object to which you are linking.
Find where Specifies where to search.
Operator A comparison operator.
String A string to use for the comparison.


Button Action
Adds a condition to the relationship.
Removes a condition from the relationship.
Save Commits your settings.
Cancel Exits without saving.

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